Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I Remember The First Time (33)

"When I hear your name, feels so cold deep inside, still it's hard to explain..., oh, what your love meant to me, they say time will heal the pain, but it just goes on forever..."
-38 Special- (If I'd Been The One)

"I don't want a guy to fall for me when I'm all dressed up because 90% of the time I won't look like that..." -@marysa_travieso- (via Twitter)

"Can you read my mind?, Have you closed the door on love?, Can you be so blind?, Did you think I'd just give up?..." -38 Special- (If I'd Been The One)

I remember the first time that I remembered on a Tuesday night...  Good evening everyone (and good morning by the time that I publish this).  Due to the fact that I'm working days now, you may have noticed that my Monday posts will very likely be typed up on Sunday nights, my Wednesday posts on Tuesday nights, and my Friday posts on Thursday nights (now back to your originally scheduled programming..., yes, already in progress)...

I remember the first time that Miletus made me do a double take...  I recently asked my friend and original blog follower Miletus (and I mean original as in when this blog was closer to 5 total views than 50,000) to be a celebrity expert for this weekend's football picks.  The response that I got was, "Dude.  You're lucky that I still read the damn thing and know what you're talking about!"  My initial reaction was, "WHOA..., what did I do to Miletus?..."  And then I figured it out - the PLETHORA (it's a word, look it up) of football that I've written about here recently...  Just so you know, in spite of what Miletus may say, so far I only have one prediction for this weekend's games, and you don't get any guesses as to who it's from...  :)

I remember the first time that Alyssa had fans...  Speaking of Miletus, when she was browbeating me about the football, I mentioned to her that she would like Alyssa.  Her reply was, "I already liked her.  The crawfish story got me..."  Pretty sharp, remembering (for the first time?) all the way back to the crawfish post.  And then this weekend while I was tweeting about doing my wash (yes, the excitement that is my Twitter account - it's no wonder I'm up to six followers), my high school classmate and friend Vicki and I got into a Twitter conversation (Twittersation?)...  Vic mentioned that the character limit on Twitter might be the reason that our verbose yankee (as in New Englanders, NOT as in New York) friends don't have accounts yet.  When I mentioned that they could start a blog on the side, she replied, "and get an assistant!! #youaremyhero ;)"  Since I've read my writing before, I'm sure that this was another compliment to my football co-pilot Alyssa (and Alyssa hasn't even started gushing about her Texans yet)...  :P  Of course it was very nice to discover that Vicki reads the blog regularly, bringing that count up to what..., 3 or 4 of you?  ;)

I remember the first time that I complained about traffic...  Here are a couple of recent Austin traffic stories for you...  While a friend and I were driving on campus, down a narrow hill of a street, a bicyclist coming up the street cut across the front of our vehicle, crossing to our passenger side, and then when he found that he was squeezed between us and the parked cars to our right, he says, "DUDE!!!..."  Completely understandable, because bicycles are supposed to travel AGAINST the flow of traffic after cutting across it... #whatever  And then more recently, while a friend and myself were driving down Guadalupe (a.k.a., 'The Drag'), we were behind a vehicle that was moving VERY SLOWLY (we had actually been behind it on campus also, and had the bad luck of ending up behind it again on The Drag).  THEN, as it appeared that the driver of this vehicle was giving a tour of the campus FROM GUADALUPE, the vehicle COMES TO A STOP at a GREEN LIGHT!  When my friend hit the horn, the driver of the vehicle FLIPPED US OFF!  Naturally, right, because WHO ARE WE to honk at a vehicle that comes to a complete stop at a green light on one of the busiest streets around campus? #merp

I remember the first time that I saw something cute...  So I was walking on campus today when a girl approached me from the opposite direction.  We made eye contact, and then my eyes were drawn to her colorful shirt, which was a combination of red and glitter set against the black fabric of the shirt.  It read, "I STILL (and then inside the red heart) BSB..."  The thought of "I still heart the Backstreet Boys" brought a little smile to my face, which was obviously visible, because when we made eye contact again, she had a HUGE SMILE on her face...  :D

Alright, it's already tomorrow and I have to work later today, so have a great Wednesday and we'll see you again on Friday with our football predictions!

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